When you donate to The Warehouse Theatre, you’re supporting locally-produced art and education programs that directly impact your community.
Your Donations Support...
Our Annual Fund
Fancy fundraising words for “keeping the lights on and buying exciting things like toilet paper, copier ink, and making sure it is warm/cool enough in the building to rehearse”. May not sound thrilling at first but our annual fund donors truly help keep the place humming with creative energy (and electricity…you know, for those pesky lights. We’ve found it’s tough to act in the dark!).
Arts Education
Education is a huge part of our mission. Each year, we reach more than 10,000 students, young adults, and community members. You can help us grow that number and change even more lives by supporting our education programs.
Arts Accessibility //
We believe that “all the world’s a stage” and we want everyone to have access to it. That’s why we’ve continued to produce the Upstate Shakespeare Festival for the last 25+ years. All of these shows are free and open to the public, thanks to the generosity of our donors.
Donation Benefits
In addition to the warm-and-fuzzies you’ll get from supporting local art, we’re proud to offer our donors a range of experiential benefits, from recognition in the season playbill to exclusive event opportunities. Check them out!
Giving Online Isn’t Your Thing?
We Still Welcome Your Individual Donation!
Donate via Check
The old fashioned way! Checks may be made out to The Warehouse Theatre, and sent to 37 Augusta Street, Greenville, SC 29601. If you’d like to support a specific program, just add its name to the memo line.
Make a Stock Gift
Please contact us for more information about stock giving options.
Something Else?
We love creative giving ideas! Contact us with questions about these or any other donating options.